
Be a Candle

I love this quote because it reminds us that supporting the success of others does not take away from our own.  We've become such a competition driven society that it has even bled into our relationships.  I know I've been guilty of feeling that pang of jealousy when others are doing well. I remember those feelings well when others would announce that they were engaged when I was still single or when someone had lost 20 pounds while I had barely kicked 2. Do you hear how ridiculous that is?  The success of those individuals had absolutely NOTHING to do with my own, but it is so easy to let our hearts get pulled into that comparison game and let our inner mean girls start bashing. You have an incredible light within you and it shines a light that is perfectly your own.  Celebrating, encouraging, and empowering the light within others will never take that light from you - it can only help yours shine brighter. Shine on my friend ✨

Birthday Cake Shake

Yesterday was my birthday!  So hard to believe that I'm THIRTY already! I did enjoy a piece of real cake later in the day, but kept my morning on track with my goals by having a birthday cake flavored shake!  So easy and so good for you! If you try it - leave a comment below - I'd love to know how it was! Ingredients:  1 scoop vanilla Shakeology® 1 cup almond milk (or milk/water of your choice) 1 tsp butter extract 1.5 Tbsp cheesecake flavored instant pudding Ice Directions: Blend all ingredients together. Top with sprinkles for extra birthday fun. 😉